Georgia? Israel? What Territorial Integrity? by Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi

Why is Georgia so important? Let us follow the trail to its conclusion. When the self-styled ‘Commander-in-Chief’ of the USA denounced the Russian Rescue operation in Georgia he stammered out that breaching Georgia’s territorial integrity was against ‘International Law’, and rabbited on about the rights of the sovereign State. Of course, this, coming from the …

The Collapse of the Monetarist Society: Part Two

The Collapse of the Monetarist Society Part Two by Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi The eroding of the coastlines is one of the effects of our analysed miasma. It is one of the indications of how the present world sickness is itself a defiance of the Divine Creator, may He be exalted, and the natural laws …

The Collapse of the Monetarist Society, part one

The Collapse of the Monetarist Society Part One by Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi What, firstly, is the venous system of the present world society? The life-blood which activates every organ, limb and sinew of human life on our planet is of course, money. Not real-wealth, not commodities, not minerals and certainly not oil and gas. …