
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful and may Allah bless His slave and messenger Muhammad and his family and companions and grant perfect peace.
I witness that there is no god but Allah alone without partner, and I witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Published by admin

Abdassamad Clarke is from Ulster and was formally educated at Edinburgh University in Mathematics and Physics. He accepted Islam at the hands of Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi in 1973, and, at his suggestion, studied Arabic and tajwid and other Islamic sciences in Cairo for a period. In the 80s he was secretary to the imam of the Dublin Mosque, and in the early 90s one of the imams khatib of the Norwich Mosque, and again from 2002-2016. He has translated, edited and typeset a number of classical texts. He currently resides with his wife in Denmark and occasionally teaches there. 14 May, 2023 0:03

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  1. Dear Abdussamad,

    It is wonderful to have your very own website or two. The interesting matter will be of the timely upkeep and updating of the content.

    Abdussamad, I do hope that you will allow this site to blossom into a most wonderful
    bloom with a fragrance that will reach the innermost privy of the Malail-‘Alaa.

    If that should fail then I do hope you would join me in another interesting site Malaysia and the Dilemma of Assimilation, Holy Mose!!! unless of course you are as the lovely Turks are: Secularist Islamist Cuckoos

    If you ever feel that by participating a witty comment here is hard then I do hope you have a soft landing. It is nice to have a living soleha for a mate, Abdussamad.

    Thank You

  2. Dear Abdussamad,

    What do you think of this article:

    Study: Humans’ DNA not quite so similar
    By MALCOLM RITTER, AP Science Writer
    Mon Sep 3, 8:00 PM ET

    NEW YORK – People are less alike than scientists had thought when it comes to the billions of building blocks that make up each individual’s DNA, according to a new analysis.

    “Instead of 99.9 percent identical, maybe we’re only 99 percent (alike),” said J. Craig Venter, an author of the study — and the person whose DNA was analyzed for it.

    Several previous studies have argued for lowering the 99.9 percent estimate. Venter says this new analysis “proves the point.”…

    Where is this leading to, Abdussamad? A rebirth of the Aryan supremacy?

  3. Wa alaikum as-salam,
    Suspect that “Mika Angel” is another one of those blasted avatars. Who are you actually?

    You are right about content. I started this blog and got no further than the basmalah. Who knows if it will ever get very much further. Indeed, who cares, for there are simply far too many words in the world. Far too much hot air.

    And the first article you point to is an example; after a few paragraphs I begin wonder if life is long enough for me to waste precious minutes of it reading this thing. Who cares about the democratic constitution of the Malaysian state? I have spent all my life under a so-called democratic roof, and don’t believe a word of the stuff. Indeed, I don’t believe a word about fictitious entities such as the Malay or Malaysian state, just as I do not believe in the gross fictions of the UK or the US or Ireland.

    As to the DNA article, the very foundations of science are in question, so most of the deductions from genetic theory are so much piffle, used quite mendaciously by the actual forces that drive our age for their own purposes.

    Scientists have not yet faced up to the implications of the quantum discoveries of the early part of the last century; so how will we listen to them when they build new sciences such as genetics on the shaky foundations of determinism?

    If you like another perspective on DNA and its politics, read Lewontin “Biology as Ideology: the Doctrine of DNA.”



  4. Dear Abdassamad

    Yup, but not quite an avatar on an altar South Asian. (what is that anyway?)

    “Indeed, who cares, for there are simply far too many words in the world. Far too much hot air.” – Hot air is a form of energy to be tapped and managed for the benefit of the Muslims as nuclear energy of a more efficient technology may be part of the answer to the Climate Change. I wonder if your words should not be hotter or cooler; the possessing of a cybersite is a formality to a fermenting mind. I hope they be fair and wonderful and a dzikr, Abdassamad. You have that gift. Subhanallah.

    Indeed, I don’t believe a word about fictitious entities such as the Malay or Malaysian state, just as I do not believe in the gross fictions of the UK or the US or Ireland. – Do I detect a tinge of an hermit’s wisdom there? I am having a hard time trying to understand Sarte as I have a bad habit of falling asleeping in an academic lecture; and I know that your unflinching loyalty is to the words of the Kitaabullah. The Islamic State is fiction, then, Abdassamad? Or the notion of a huge united Muslim society.

    Let then the Muslim scientists – if there are such entities – put it(the old and new sciences) on a more sound foundation. This does not imply that one should have Biology as an ideology unless one wants to sit squarely on an altar built in the air. Therefore, I thank you greatly for the warm words pointing to another opiate-tic perspective of avatar ormulu.

    In short, for all the long hot words you have open a new door, Abdassamad: Rabbi zidni ‘ilmaan waar-ruzni fahmaan.

    Thank You and my warmest regards and salaams to Puan Aisha Bewley and the Murabbits.

    (the pseudonym remains)

  5. as-salamu alaikum,
    Avatar (Oxford def.): (in Hindu mythology) the descent of a deity or released soul to earth in bodily form.
    incarnation; manifestation.
    a manifestation or phase

    The key to climate change is to subject the very notion of progress to proper critique. When did electricity suddenly become indispensable? In my lifetime actually. My parents’ first house had neither running water nor electricity. As to nuclear power, that was one of my subjects at university, and nothing I know interests me much in it. I mean it generates waste with half-lives of hundreds of thousands of years, and cannot safely be disposed of in water, air, earth or fire.

    How right you are about the notion of a huge united Islamic society. The last such instance was over a thousand years ago. Might not humbler ambitions be realisable though? We object to the “state” as it has to be founded on the religious basis of constitutional law, which is a clear “shariah” in its own way and thus a religious entity.

    Anyway, thank you for your post, and look forward to continuing this conversation with you, and perhaps even being honoured with knowing your name one day.



  6. Dear Abdassamad

    a rose is a rose is a rose
    (why do you need to know my name?)

    Gifts can be curses. Language reveals and it conceals.
    It can cover over. It can be kufr. It reveals.
    It can be revelation.
    One has a responsibility to oneself to take the path
    to the Garden that avoids the Fire.

    Every action and every word of the mumin
    has this terrible responsibility.
    All of it has a reckoning.

    If the intelligent person cannot master himself,
    he must go to another who has mastered himself
    and learn how he has done that.

    Mastering oneself is more difficult
    than leading armies and conquering cities.

    (so said a sufi and a friend)

    Terima Kasih

    ps is denmark now a hotbed for terrorists, Abdassamad?

  7. I have no real need to know your name, but the question might be why do you need an alias?

    But in its origins language reveals. Allah taught the Adam the names (nouns) all of them. The language of prophethood which is the language of mankind is revelation. But:
    Some of the Jews distort the true meaning of words,
    saying,‘We hear and disobey,’
    and ‘Listen without listening,’
    and ‘Ra’ina!’*
    twisting them with their tongues,
    disparaging the deen. (Surat an-Nisa: 45)

    This is the modern language that is used to conceal, deceive and trick.

    Denmark is an unhappy story. Accursed wahhabis ruined several fine young men there, and have polluted Denmark for Islam, unfortunately. But there is now a new breed of young Muslims springing up who are much more interesting, alhamdulillah.



  8. Dear Abdassamad

    Les Mots

    Accursed wahhabis ruined several fine young men there, and have polluted Denmark for Islam, unfortunately. But there is now a new breed of young Muslims springing up who are much more interesting

    Unfortunately, I am just a simple malay with limited education, Abdassamad. I would appreciate if you would enlighten me what you meant by the above qoute of your’s as “This is the modern language that is used to conceal, deceive and trick”, Abdassamad.

    Perhaps, this is an oppourtunity for you to write on this here.

    I will say that the pool is too deep for me to venture futher, till I know that that is no alligator sharing it with me. I m not that good a swimmer nor a crocodile hunter.

    Terima Kasih

  9. Well if ‘this is the modern language used to conceal, deceive and trick,’ there is clearly not the trust for us to communicate, since that is a matter of intention. No amount of further words would get us away from what you clearly see as a wrong intention. So we have an impasse unless I have misread you. As to your being a ‘simple’ Malay, you do not write like a simple person of any sort.



  10. As for Sartre and the French existentialists, I cannot say that I understand them either, and indeed no longer wish to.

    As for the Wikipedia entry on wahhabis, I trust that as much as I trust encyclopaedia entries in general, which is not a lot.

    As to Ya Sin and Ta Ha, they are those letters at the beginnings of surahs about whose meanings commentators usually say “Allah knows best”. And they are often used as names.

    Al-Amin is a kind of name which was originally an honorific title, but became an ordinary personal name with the passage of time.

    And if you want to keep your name to yourself, I am completely content with that.


  11. Dear Abdassamad

    Alhamdulillah and thank you!

    Accursed wahhabis ruined several fine young men there, and have polluted Denmark for Islam, unfortunately. But there is now a new breed of young Muslims springing up who are much more interesting

    You could expand on that, if it is not asking too much; and I will be honored a glimpse from a Murabbit contemplative perspective.

    By the way, Abdassamad, the Cordoba mosque is beautiful even if only from photographs, don’t you think? Have you been there?

    Leave the intentions aside and write. Maybe, I will learn a trick or two of writing a barbie doll of an essay.

    (ahh, Yusuf Islam again. You can’t bargain with the truth And Abdassamad, if ever you bump into Yusuf, please convey my warmest salaams)

  12. Ahh, yes.


    First, before we approach the story of wahhabism, we must locate it within Islam itself. As it has reached us, Islam comprises three distinct dimensions.

    First, outward practice such as both the acts of worship and ordinary transactions, i.e. law, covering all aspects, commercial, civil and criminal, etc. This is the Shari’ah which has been transmitted by the four accepted legal schools.

    Second, a rational science which encompasses what is necessarily true about the Divine, what is inconceivable for Him and what conceivable, and similarly for the prophets, the angels, etc. This is transmitted by two acceptable schools.

    Third, the spiritual path which is generally known as Sufism, which is transmitted by a number of different tariqas. All three of these dimensions with their different schools were universally agreed upon. All of this exists under the umbrella of governance by a known contract. That contract has clauses for muslim subjects and non-muslim subjects. All of this is sustained by a very necessary scholarship involving deep knowledge of Arabic, Qur’anic commentary and exposition of legal cases.

    Wahhabism was originally an eighteenth century movement among desert Arabs who rose in insurrection against the Ottomans. Their teaching was characterised by being:

    simplistic and literalist, i.e. it rejected all the above three dimensions and their schools in favour of directly deriving theology and law from a literalist understanding of the Qur’an and books of traditions,

    insurrectionary; they overthrew legitimate governance and began an insurgency movement against the Ottomans who were forced to stamp them out,

    fanatical; I use this word advisedly, but intend by it their declaration of Muslims who disagreed with them beyond the pale of Islam. In our time, this is evidenced by the fact that huge numbers of the victims of suicide bombers are Muslims…

    Note: interesting.

    Have you followed the life of a real, genuine Wahabbi, Abdassamad? Eat, sleep – well, you know, the first hand experience sort of? Research: Sleeping with a monster? :0

  13. As-salamu alaikum,

    Fine young men entered Islam, men who had good smiles and could laugh innocently and well, and then they grew hostile long beards and wore short trousers, and condemned endlessly – and this after perhaps a year or two in Islam – almost everything as haram. But this story could have taken place almost anywhere. But this is first hand, am sad to say. Would not call it research. Don’t view existence that way.

    Now there is a generation who at least have the learning to know what really is haram, and to know that much of what is beautiful is not necessarily so. We are still working to get back to those innocent smiles and easy laughs though.

    Yes, the Cordoba mosque is beautiful. Have had the honour of visiting it. Even non-Muslims recognise its beauty and the ugliness of the cathedral built within it.



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