US Genocide

A curious and not particularly pleasant story: a people who have just killed more than a million Iraqi men, women and children, and whose history is based on the genocide of its land’s native peoples, is now calling the Turks genocidal:   Genocide is an evil without doubt, but why is it that hypocrisy and lies are even more repellant? 

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Abdassamad Clarke is from Ulster and was formally educated at Edinburgh University in Mathematics and Physics. He accepted Islam at the hands of Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi in 1973, and, at his suggestion, studied Arabic and tajwid and other Islamic sciences in Cairo for a period. In the 80s he was secretary to the imam of the Dublin Mosque, and in the early 90s one of the imams khatib of the Norwich Mosque, and again from 2002-2016. He has translated, edited and typeset a number of classical texts. He currently resides with his wife in Denmark and occasionally teaches there. 14 May, 2023 0:03

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  1. I do not know. Perhaps, we get very very disappointed when things do not turn out as we had hoped it would? or is it that we hate secrets, living in fear of the unknown and never knowing iwhat the truth is all about? That will make us look foolish and small, won’t it?

    Anyway, In Chapter Ten – The First Holocaust – of his book The Great War For Civilization, Robert Fisk, wrote:

    …The hill of Margada is steep and littered with volcanic stones, a place of piercing bright light and shadows high above the eastern Syrian desert. It is cold on the summit and the winter rains have cut fissures into the mud between the rocks, brown canyons of earth that creep down to the base of the hill. Far below, the waters of the Habuk slink between grey, treeless banks, twisting through dark sand dunes, a river of black secrets. You do not need to know what happened at Margada to find something evil in this place. Like the forests of eastern Poland, the hill of Margada is a place eradicated memory, although the local Syrian police constable, a man of bright cheeks and generous moustache, had heard that something terrible happened here long before he was born…It was The Independent’s photographer, Isabel Ellsen, who found the dreadful evidence. Climbing down the crack cut into the hill by the rain, she brushed her hand against the brown earth and found herself looking at a skull, its cranium dark brown, its teeth still shiny. To its left a backbone protruded through the mud. When I scraped away the earth on the other side of the crevasse, an entire skeleton was revealed, and then another, and then a third, so closely packed that the bones had become tangled among each other. Every few inches of mud would reveal a femur, a skull, asset of teeth, fibula and sockets, squeezed together, as tightly packed as they had been on the day they died in terror in 1915, roped together to drown in their thousands…The parallel with Auschwitz is not no idle one. Turkey’s reign of terror against the Armenian people was an attempt to destroy the Armenian race. The Armenian death toll was almost a million and a half…The story of the Armenian genocide is one of almost unrelieved horror at the hands of Turkish soldiers and policemen who enthusiastically carried out their government’s orders to exterminate a race of Christian people in the Middle East…The reality was that a Young Turk movement – officially the “Committee of Union and Progress” – had effectively taken control of the corrupt Ottoman empire from Sultan Abdul Hamid. Originally a liberal party to which many Armenians gave their support, it acquired a nationalistic, racist, pan-Turkic creed which espoused a Turkish-speaking Muslim nation stretching from Ankara to Baku – a dream that was briefly achieved in 1918 but which is today physically prevented only by the existence of the post-Soviet Armenian republic. The Christian Armenians of Asia Minor, a mixture of Persian, Roman and Byzantine blood, swiftly became disillusioned with the new rulers of the Turkish Empire*…

    *The Armenians, descended from ancient Urartu, became the first Christian nation when their king Drtad converted from paganism in AD 301, and had to defend their faith against the Persians, who were Zoroastrian before becoming Muslim, and then the Arabs. The Turks arrived from central Asia in the eleventh century. Armenia and Greece were both Christian nations within the Ottoman empire.

    And this the thought of one who hopes and hopes and hopes that he will be the last one out – at least: (Subhanallahil-Azeem, ya Qahhar, ya Jabbar, ya Maalik! And a million questions and more to be answered at Arafah, my Lord; spare me the tribulations most horrible and make my path to Your Rahmat smooth and easy, ya Afwoon-Kareem, ya Lateefun-Jameel Ameen ya Rabb-al-‘aalameen)
    Would this be lie?

    What do you think, Abdassamad?

  2. My dear reader, I do not deny that something terrible might have happened, first, because I do not have the requisite knowledge of that history. What I wrote was that the people making the hullabaloo were the children of those who exterminated the native North American people, a crime they are remarkably quiet about, and therefore the hullabaloo was not a moral one, but for geopolitical or nefarious purposes.

    And scratch any of these crimes and one often finds an exponentially growing debt, and that of course brings us back to the as yet unbroached subject of the dinar and dirham.

    And very quickly we leave this life, still gazing on its crimes and its ups and downs, oblivious of the truth which lies before us.

    Thank you for the reminder.

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