Dawkins and scientific method

In conversation tonight, someone raised Richard Dawkins and his ‘crusade’, and I use the word deliberately, and it made me reflect on some deeper issues of science in general. Many people mistakenly believe that science is based on dispassionate and objective observations of the physical world, and deductions from those observations of some general rules …

US Genocide

A curious and not particularly pleasant story: a people who have just killed more than a million Iraqi men, women and children, and whose history is based on the genocide of its land’s native peoples, is now calling the Turks genocidal: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/10/washington/10cnd-armenia.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin   Genocide is an evil without doubt, but why is it that hypocrisy and lies …

New religion – new piety

An essential element of the emerging new religion that binds modern people is the new piety: ecological concern. It is not wrong, but it is framed in such a way as to paralyse. For example, the auto manufacturers have produced new cars with drastically smaller carbon footprints, and naturally motorists want to own one, because …

Future Islam and the Secret of Technology

There is something prior to technology without which it cannot be understood, and that is a method that analyses and breaks things down into what it regards as logical component pieces. The process that exemplifies this best is the search for the atom. The Greeks, notably Leucippus and Democritus, proposed that if one breaks something …